Picture Book of the Year

Author: James Berry

Illustrator: Anna Cunha

Lantana Publishing

Have you ever loved a book so much you wanted to press it against your heart when you finished reading it? Or perhaps you have had the good fortune of seeing a child cradle a beloved book as they moved throughout the day. A Story About Afiya is sure to provoke such tender emotions.

Afiya owns what seems to be a simple summer frock, but this one dress is, in fact, magical. As Afiya, a beautiful, dark-skinned child, dances across her day, the white dress gathers print and patterns. From sunflowers to tigers, from birds to butterflies, it is a different dress every day. Even though Afiya washes and hangs it on the clothesline each night, these impressions remain. It is not until the following morning that the dress obtains its original shade. And, like a blank canvass, waits for Afiya, her adventures, and Mother Nature’s paintbrush.

It seems only Anna Cunha’s enchanted illustrations could have done James Berry’s (Jamaican poet 1924 –2017) words justice. With rich hues, her art conveys movement and contrast while capturing the beauty of Afiya’s day.

If you want to impress upon your child the splendor of words while soaking in breathtaking art,  be sure to share A Story About Afiya with them. They, and you, will be all the richer for it. Just don’t be surprised if your heart skips a beat or your child wants to give it a bear hug once you are through reading it.